Minggu, 18 April 2010

Complete Freedom For Woman In Islam


Mon, 12 Apr 2010

Complete Freedom For Woman In Islam

Several woman sighed how the difficult to be moslem woman alias muslimah. they considered that Islam gave no freedom for woman. See how muslimah wear their clothes or find out how the way they go out for business that should be allowed by their husband. Some people think if they felt out of breath with all rules in Islams that are considered as inequitable. is it all true?

It can be understood if several muslimah has that kind of opinion. that is because in this time Islam is queer even for the its follower. It is intended to be made by Islam enemies so that Islam people hate or at least feel doubtful on Islam. If they can realize all those things, it will be easy for them to destroy Islam.

If we doesnt recognize on something, we will not know about the real of it. So, as an intelligent muslimah, we have to understand the deep inside of it. We have already borned as moslem, so it is an obligation for us to be better than muallaf. Muallaf are usually good in explaining the reason why the entering Islam, and be a moslem. The fact has shown that many woman is decide choose Islam as their ways of live.

…The incessant of gender equivalence has made woman is feel afraid and hesitant towards Islam. Because of that, there is a conclusion that Islam gives no freedom for woman…

Understanding Islam is should be done early. Unfortunately, the destruction of conviction (akidah) is also done at first by such small institution named family. As a result, it is not strange for moslem to feel strange and odd about Islam. The incessant of gender equivalence has made woman is feel afraid and hesitant towards Islam. Because of that, there is a conclusion that Islam gives no freedom for woman. How horrible it is.

When muslimah want to open their hearts, and see the facts or make a reflection about that, it will be so much easy to refuse such kind of opinion . All rules in Islam are congruent to human need. there is no rules of Islam even a little bit one that can bring us to the bad aspect of live. If there are any differences at one or several law, it still for human's good. We have to remember, that the one who make this rule is Allah, the great creator of the world. it is important for Allah to botch and humiliate us.

Intelligent woman certainly will not just keep silent in facing that fact. if Islam is pionted on something unfair, our common sense will come up with a question, is that true?. She will try to look for answers to question as well as she can. Not even just make any accusation based on narrow fact, such as for example a wife that is being tortured. Occasionally, his husband is moslem, but at the conclusion Islam is accused unfair towards the wife and treat the husband in special. This kind of opinion is definitely wrong.

Don't make fact as the basic thing to look for truth. Find the accurate one up to to the source, Al quran and Hadits. Examine carefully the both interpretations that are true and believable, because in this time there are lots of liberal group that interprets the verse in careless.be careful with that.

… Woman has to study any subjects as much as man do. Islam does not distinguish between man or woman in the obligation of learning Islam…

The truth can not come up to someone without its efforts. woman has to study any subjects as much as man do. Islam does not distinguish between man or woman in the obligation of learning Islam. The result is determined by our self. do we as woman feel hopeless and doing nothing to be more intelligence or attempt to get it as well as we can? the answer is all yours.

Wrong opinion about woman in Islam can be aversed by the its follower especially woman or muslimah. When do you are previously belong the group that consider Islam is unfair, with your wide knowledge, you will know that all those thing are definitely wrong. And when you previously do not belong this group, you can continue your idea to your friends and your environment. Is the prophet ever uttered on us that we should tell anyone even just about a verse?

Start from this day, voice and refuse the opinion that Islam's rule is unfair for the woman. We can realize all those things trough proselytizing. We have to do it in words and deeds. keep up your spirit! [riafariana/voa-Islam. com]

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